Naiste vaimne retriit Huatulco Oaxaca Mehhiko
Lõõgastuge, leidke maagiat ja tervenege kaunis Oaxaca Mehhikos
Lõdvestu ja parane
Huatulco Oaxacas Mehhikos
Tervendage ja noorendage meie naiste tervendamisretriidil ja Oaxacas, Mehhikos.
Üks kultuuriliselt rikkamaid kohti Mehhikos, Oaxaca on ilus koht avastamiseks! See piirkond on laialt tuntud oma mitmekesiste põlisrahvaste rühmade poolest, kes kutsuvad Oaxaca orgu ka pärast sadu aastaid koduks. Laskuge Oaxacasse (hääldatakse wa-HAH-kah) ja liituge oma jumalannade hõimuga, et saada kogemus, mida mäletate igavesti!
Maagiline Oaxaca, Mehhiko – teekond
7.-15.07.2022Majutus eramajas
Hingede tervendamisele spetsialiseerunud šamaaniravitseja Elisabeth Mattern Alcazari ettekanne
Grupitöö + erakonsultatsioon
Nautige džungli maagilist ümbrust
Töötage kristallidega koos Ines Matterniga
Pidulik rühmatöö
Ööbimine kohviistanduses
Individuaalne “puhastus” Ruth Ojedalt ja Ines Matternilt
Vaikse ookeani ranniku rand San Agustinillo ja pärastlõuna on tasuta ranna nautimiseks
Looduskosmeetika tehas ja Mazunte merikilpkonnamuuseum
Delfiinide ja vaaladega tutvumine laevaga
Pärastlõuna San Agustinillo rannas
Õhtune sõit naabruses asuvasse Zipolite'i randa, et nautida põlisrahvaste aurusauna Temazcali puhastust.
Ööbimine rannakabiinides
La Ventanilla mageveelaguuniga tutvumine
Saadaval ainult 7 kohta
Hind sisaldab:
- Majutus
- Privaatne maapealne transport
- inglise keelt kõnelev giid
- Programm
- Toitlustamine vastavalt programmile
- Ekskursioonid ja sissepääsutasud
- Temazcal (aurusaun)
Ei sisalda:
Eratöö Lorena Villanueva ja Ines Matterniga (individuaalsed limpiad, massaažid, kristalliteraapia ja kaitsed, tarot konsultatsioonid), Lennud, Lennujaamatransport, Alkohoolsed ja/või karastusjoogid
Tavapileti hind: 3550 dollarit

Mida te sellel retriidil kogete
Avastage maagiline Oaxaca Mehhiko, mille keskus on Huatulco, ja tehke vaimse tervenemise teekond koos kuulsa šamaani Elisabeth Mattern Alcazariga. Lõõgastuge ja värskendage end kaunites Oaxaca Mehhiko džunglis ja randades. Nautige ainulaadset majutust kohviistandustes, kabanades ja privaatsetes majutuskohtades, mida ümbritseb lopsakas rohelus.
This is a premium tour that includes all lodging, primarily 4-star and 3-star accommodations, private ground transportation, a boat tour, airfare from Ireland to Scotland, breakfast, one lunch, and two dinners.
Is this tour right for you?
Sample Itinerary
If you are seeking adventure, interested in folklore, enjoy hanging with the locals, are a nature lover, open to magic and mystery, and want to do some sightseeing, as well as experience some R&R, this tour is for you. We will be exploring some of the sacred sites in both locations, celebrating traditions such as the Summer Solstice, joining in a traditional Scottish dance, and much more.
Day before: US participants: depart for an overnight flight to Dublin
Day 1: Arrive in Dublin (DUB)
We will be picked up in the morning from the airport by a private coach with WIFI. Depart for our lodging in Mohill, Co Leitrim.
Our first stop after the airport pick-up is to see the Hill of Tara in Co Meath, on on our way to the lodging.
Mohill, Co Leitrim 4 Star Luxury Hotel for two nights
On this first day, we will have an easy day to get settled in, rest after the overnight flight (for those coming from the US), take a stroll around the grounds, and meet up for dinner.
Day 2: Mohill, Co Leitrim 4 Star Luxury Hotel
We will meet up with our local guide The Woodland Bard to visit a holy well, and take a walk in the forest for some poetry in the woods. Afternoon tea, scones, and lunch, Claire will join us to sing and play the harp.
Day 3: 4-Star Hotel. for one night. North Cork Hotel,
Summer Solstice activities at Lough Gur, Grange Stone Circle
Lodging Facilities:
Bar and grill
Indoor swimming pool
We have an early morning sunrise excursion on the 21st to the circle to see the alignment of the sun with the ancient circle at Lough Gur before we depart for the Beara Peninsula.
Day 4: Town Kenmare 4-Star Hotel for one night. This is a beautiful picturesque location on the Bay, along the Wild Atlantic Way.
Facilities include:
Swimming Pool
Steam room & Sauna
Fully equipped gym & and weights room
A full-day tour of the Beara Peninsula to see the ancient standing stones.
Uragh B
Day 5: River Island, Killarney Co Kerry, a very nice 3-Star Hotel near Kerry Airport for one night.
This is a free day! Do whatever you wish to do on this day.
Day 6: AM Flight to Dublin (55 min) from Kerry Airport
Dublin to Glasgow (1 hour)
This is a full day of travel.
Coach pick up at Glasgow airport-drive to Isle of Mull
The location is quiet and near Carsaig Beach, the waterfall, and the red phone booth from the film "I know where I am going." This is a great retreat location where we will venture out from to explore the Isle and surrounding Iona and Staffa.
Isle of Mull:
Lochbuie Standing Stones near Moy Castle
Visit the white sand beaches.
Isle of Mull
Ardtun sights, & Bunessan, and a trip to the beach nearby
Isle of Mull
Traditional Scottish Ceilidh Dance
Tiroran Community Forest
Isle of Mull
Full-day excursion with a boat trip to Staffa (3 hours) and a day trip to the Isle of Iona (5 hours)
Abbey and Nunnery
Isle of Mull
Tour to Tobermory and Dervaig
Depart for Glasgow airport. Due to the nature of this trip, it may be easier to book a one-way to Dublin and a one-way from Glasgow to return home. Flights to and from the destination are solely the responsibility of the participant.
*Note: If you reserve your space by paying a deposit. You are able to make payments via check, credit card, or bank wire. Must be paid in full 60 days prior to departure.
*If you would rather pay by check or bank wire in order to avoid the credit card service fees, please reach out and we can give you the details.
Any questions, feel free to reach out. We are excited to collaborate with you on this magical journey!

Saatejuht Devina St. Claire,
Organisatsiooni Earth Goddess Rising asutaja
Meie grupireisid, töötoad, klassid ja terviseretriidid on sellised, mis tähistavad elu, loovad püsivaid mälestusi, sõprussuhteid ja toidavad seiklusvaimu, luues samal ajal ühendust meie hingehõimuga!

Women's Spiritual Group Tours in Ireland & Scotland
Embark on a transformative journey with our Women's Spiritual Group Tour through the enchanting landscapes of Ireland and Scotland.
Join like-minded women as we delve into the rich spiritual heritage and breathtaking natural beauty of these mystical destinations.
- Sacred Sites Exploration: Immerse yourself in the ancient energy of sacred sites as we connect with the spiritual history of these lands.
- Goddess and Celtic Traditions: Dive into the captivating world of Celtic and Goddess traditions through discussions, led by knowledgeable guides well-versed in the region's spiritual history.
- Stunning Landscapes: Traverse rolling emerald hills, misty moors, and serene lochs, letting the beauty of the Irish and Scottish landscapes nourish your soul.
- Local Culture and Cuisine: Engage with local communities, savor traditional cuisine, and enjoy traditional music and dance, immersing yourself in the authentic spirit of the region.
Why Choose Our Women's Spiritual Group Tours:
1. Tailored for Spiritual Women: Created exclusively for women, our tour provides a safe and supportive space to foster connections and personal growth.
2. Expert Guides: Our experienced local guides blend historical knowledge with spiritual insights, offering a holistic understanding of the sites and traditions we explore.
3. Small Group Experience: Travel in an intimate group, allowing for deeper connections, personalized attention, and meaningful interactions.
4. Inner and Outer Exploration: Balance outer adventures with inner journeys, ensuring a holistic and transformative experience that resonates long after the tour ends.
5. Flexible Itinerary: Our well-planned itinerary combines must-see landmarks with flexibility, allowing for spontaneous moments of exploration and reflection.
Join Us
Embark on this soul-enriching adventure with our Women's Spiritual Group Tour in Ireland and Scotland. Unveil the mysteries of these ancient lands, forge lasting friendships, and rejuvenate your spirit. Book your spot today.
Join our Women's Spiritual Group Tour in Ireland and Scotland!