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Luomme maagisia kokemuksia ja mullistavaa seikkailua naisten henkisten ryhmämatkojen, työpajojen, tuntien ja hyvinvointiretriittien kautta.
Earth Goddess Rising -tapahtumat luodaan inspiroimaan, juhlimaan elämää, edistämään paranemista ja hengen kasvua.

Women's Spiritual Group Tours: Ireland & Scotland

Women's Spiritual Group Tours: Ireland & Scotland

Embark on a transformative journey with our Women's Spiritual Group Tour through the enchanting landscapes of Ireland and Scotland! Join like-minded women as we delve into the rich spiritual heritage and breathtaking natural beauty of these mystical destinations. Highlights: - Sacred Sites Exploration: Immerse yourself in the ancient energy of sacred sites such as Stonehenge, the Blarney Stone, and more, as we connect with the spiritual history of these lands. - Goddess and Celtic Traditions: Dive into the captivating world of Celtic and Goddess traditions through workshops and discussions, led by knowledgeable guides well-versed in the region's spiritual history. - Stunning Landscapes: Traverse rolling emerald hills, misty moors, and serene lochs, letting the beauty of the Irish and Scottish landscapes nourish your soul. - Local Culture and Cuisine: Engage with local communities, savor traditional cuisine, and enjoy traditional music and dance, immersing yourself in the authentic spirit of the region. Why Choose Our Women's Spiritual Group Tours: 1. Tailored for Spiritual Women:  Created exclusively for women, our tour provides a safe and supportive space to foster connections and personal growth. 2. Expert Guides: Our experienced local guides blend historical knowledge with spiritual insights, offering a holistic understanding of the sites and traditions we explore. 3. Small Group Experience: Travel in an intimate group, allowing for deeper connections, personalized attention, and meaningful interactions. 4. Inner and Outer Exploration: Balance outer adventures with inner journeys, ensuring a holistic and transformative experience that resonates long after the tour ends. 5. Flexible Itinerary: Our well-planned itinerary combines must-see landmarks with flexibility, allowing for spontaneous moments of exploration and reflection.
Costa Rica - WhaleSong video

”Villit naiset ovat selittämätön elämän kipinä. He tihkuvat vapautta ja etsivät tietoisuutta, he eivät kuulu kenellekään muulle kuin itselleen, mutta silti antavat palan siitä, keitä he ovat, jokaiselle tapaamalleen. Jos olet tavannut sellaisen, pidä hänestä kiinni, hän päästää sinut kaaokseensa, mutta hän näyttää myös taikuutensa."

-Nikki Rowe

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