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Događaji Earth Goddess Rising stvoreni su kako bi potaknuli inspiraciju, proslavili puninu života i promicali rast duha kroz grupne obilaske, prijateljstva, radionice, tečajeve i wellness odmore.  

Tko smo mi? Mistici, holistički praktičari, transcendentalisti, iscjelitelji energije, ljubitelji drveća, ljubitelji kristala i lovački psi, intuitivci, avanturisti, istraživači svetih mjesta, ljubitelji majke prirode i osnaživanja žena. Ako vam išta od ovoga odgovara, dobrodošli u naše pleme!

Naši obilasci i odmori


Grupne ture Earth Goddess Rising stvorene su za žene koje žele samostalno putovati s grupom sa svrhom doživjeti puninu života i potaknuti nadahnuće i rast duha. Organiziramo grupne izlete, radionice, tečajeve i wellness odmore. Iako je svaki događaj drugačiji, glavna tema je ona koja slavi život, stvara trajna sjećanja, prijateljstva i njeguje duh avanture.

Bilo da istražujete naše višednevne avanture na odmoru u Irskoj, Havajima ili Europi, večeru na otvorenom, iscjeliteljsku radionicu ili okupljanje na trodnevnom odmoru u Coloradu, događaji Earth Goddess Rising prilika su da se odvojite od uobičajenih i otkrijte sebe u izvanrednom.

Dođite da se igrate s nama i probudite svoj duh i njegujte svoju dušu na najzanimljivijim lokacijama na svijetu! 

Naši događaji i doživljaji putovanja osmišljeni su da potaknu inspiraciju, slave puninu života, promiču ozdravljenje i rast duha. 

Our Mission

Naša misija

Earth Goddess Rising stvara nezaboravne događaje i iskustva za žene dizajnirane da liječe, podižu i njeguju duh.


Naš pogled

Naši grupni obilasci, radionice, tečajevi i wellness odmori su oni koji slave život, stvaraju trajna sjećanja, prijateljstva i njeguju duh avanture dok se povezujemo s našim soul plemenom!

Nadolazeći događaji



"THANK YOU!!!! From my heart to yours for envisioning and creating this healing space and magic. From the big beautiful white tent decorated with lights, Chinese lamps, and a Goddess Alter. To the perfect venue surrounded by mountains on a full moon all for our healing and growth. You created a container.

I am excited to see what the profound shift in vibration that I experienced during the DNA activation will manifest. Your inner child workshop was lots of fun! yet surprising what it did provoke. You are a wise beautiful women.

It was a transformational journey. You spoke to me. You inspired the energetic healing of my womb from a hysterectomy and endometrial cancer I had 4 years ago. That was the missing piece to my healing".  -Susie H.

"Weeks after the program I find I am still buzzing and integrating all that was shared and received at Earth Goddess Rising. The environment at Pagosa Springs was perfect, natural, nurturing and just the right amount of wilderness to awaken the wildness of the feminine heart.   The collection of presenters and attendees was more of a family reunion than a workshop.  I loved everyone's ability to be present with each other, supportive and to allow things to flow and unfold in divine timing.  

As EGR continues to grow, I know that the structure of the program will continue to form itself to the best outcome for each group assembled. Thank you, Devina, for following your dream and creating a beautiful space for us to come together to offer and receive openly of each other and connect with the Grace of the Sacred Feminine".  - Justice B.

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