"We visited secluded spots in a national forest and hot mineral springs and had incredible healing and soul-connecting experiences. Devina has a healing energy that opens up self-discovery within yourself"
Women's Healing Retreat
Oct. 13-15, 2023
Welcome to the Earth Goddess Rising Women's Energy Healing Weekend Retreat in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia!
Join us for an empowering and transformative three-day retreat designed to nurture your body, mind, and spirit through various healing practices. Our retreats incorporate yoga, meditation, reiki, and quantum healing workshops, all aimed at promoting holistic well-being and inner harmony. Step into a space of self-discovery and renewal as we come together to embrace the divine feminine energy and foster healing from within.
This women's healing retreat will be held in Virginia from Oct. 13-15 Nestled in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains, our retreat location is surrounded by lush green forests, rolling hills, and rivers, providing the perfect environment for spiritual reflection and rejuvenation.
Women's Healing Retreat
Our healing retreats are designed for women who are seeking to connect with their spiritual selves, other spiritual women and explore quantum healing concepts. Our experienced facilitators will guide you through a variety of workshops, classes, and activities that are designed to help you tap into the power of healing.
Our empowering and transformative three-day retreat is designed to nurture your body, mind, and spirit through various healing practices. Our retreats incorporate yoga, meditation, reiki, and quantum healing workshops, all aimed at promoting holistic well-being and inner harmony. Step into a space of self-discovery and renewal as we come together to embrace the divine feminine energy and foster healing from within.
October 2023
3 Nights - Oct. 13-15, 2023

Event Leaders
Meet our Co-Collaborators

Kristin Thoms
Devina St. Claire
Event Coordinator-Facilitator
At the age of 10 years old, I enjoyed a memorable experience at summer camp and this serves as the inspiration behind this gathering. I am excited to share my gifts in Shamanic Energy Healing with the group where we get to play in the realms of possibility and miracles. I discovered Matrix Energetics in 2010 and became a Reiki Master by 2012. I began learning how to work with the elements via Priestess training around the same year.
Together we will be open to adventure and invite magic and miracles into this experience.
Yoga Instructor
200 hour Hatha YTT
200 hour Tantra YTT
Yoga Nidra Certification
Ayurvedic Nutrition Certification
My Vinyasa Practice:
Shamanic Reiki Worldwide-Reiki 1 & 2
My passion for yoga began with my personal practice, seeking balance and mental resilience to combat burnout and fatigue. I am drawn to the mystical power we all contain, at the crossroads of spirituality, philosophy, psychology, law of attraction/manifestation, and mystery. Inspired to deepen my awareness and find community with others on this path, I attended a 500 hour yoga teacher training through The Kaivalya Yoga Method.
My intention is to bring us in touch with our higher selves and intuition, through hatha and vinyasa flows, pranayama, meditation, and constructive rest.

What's Included

1. Meals, Beverages
Appetizers on the day of arrival, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Water, tea, and coffee are available daily.
2. Lodging
All-inclusive lodging; shared accomodations or single.
3. Mind, Body Healing
Yoga, Massage, Reiki, Quantum Energy Healing Session, Sound Healing, Meditations, Visualizations and Journaling
4. Hot Springs Soak
Experience the healing waters of the warm mineral springs in Bath County, VA

Tuan rumah - Devina St. Claire,
Pendiri Dewi Bumi Bangkit
Tur grup, lokakarya, kelas, dan retret kesehatan kami adalah salah satu yang merayakan kehidupan, menciptakan kenangan abadi, persahabatan, dan memelihara semangat petualangan sambil terhubung dengan suku jiwa kami!
Apa yang Akan Anda Alami di Retret ini
Sembuhkan dan pulihkan diri Anda untuk Retret Mata Air Panas Virginia selama 3 hari di Bath County, Virginia. Rincian rencana perjalanan bersifat rahasia dan hanya dibagikan dengan peserta yang telah dikonfirmasi.
Earth Goddess Rising memahami bahwa kekuatan yang dibagikan adalah kekuatan yang berlipat ganda. Kami berkomitmen untuk membantu para suster kami dalam perjalanan penyembuhan pribadi mereka. Beberapa tahun terakhir telah penuh dengan ketakutan, kecemasan, trauma, dan bagi banyak orang, isolasi dan depresi. Retret ini adalah salah satu yang tidak hanya dibutuhkan tetapi penting untuk penyembuhan dan kesejahteraan mental dan emosional kita. Kami mengambil langkah maju untuk berintegrasi kembali dalam lingkungan yang aman dan menenangkan dengan wanita yang berpikiran sama. Alam adalah penyembuhan, dan tujuan dari retret ini adalah penyembuhan: pikiran, tubuh, dan jiwa saat bekerja dengan Dewi Arketipe melalui latihan.
Kami dengan senang hati menawarkan wadah yang aman bagi wanita untuk berkumpul bersama untuk eksplorasi pikiran, tubuh, dan spiritual. Retret Earth Goddess Rising adalah pengalaman magis yang dimaksudkan untuk menyembuhkan dan meremajakan pikiran, tubuh, dan jiwa Anda. Kami spiritual (bukan religius), new age, pecinta alam metafisik. Kami tertarik pada yoga, hewan roh, kristal, meditasi, kerja energi, penyembuhan alami dan holistik. Jika Anda beresonansi dengan ini, Anda adalah bagian dari suku jiwa kami!
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