If you tend to lean towards Christianity, you may already know Madre Mary, the Jewish Essene made famous for being the mother of Christ Consciousness by giving birth to Jesus. Due to growing up in a mixed-religious home with a Catholic grandfather, Mary was my first reference to the divine feminine. She appeared to me at the age of six years old on my birthday. That day I received an almost life-size doll. They asked me what I was going to call her, I heard a female voice say, “Call her Mary.” This was my first reference to spirit communication as well.
To my surprise, while channeling her, she wants me to introduce her as being a protector of the children first, as an earthly guardian angel. She embodies the motherly spirit that is always there for the downtrodden and her apparition has been witnessed by many people worldwide, so she appears to be very active within the earthly plane. She tells me if you call upon her with faith in the darkest hour, she will give you the patience and fortitude to keep going when you feel like giving up. In addition to patience, she also embodies self-control, unconditional love, and inner peace. She says that "humility mixed with self-control is a beautiful thing" and I am told that this requires cultivation.
Her gift of patience is similar to compassion in that it allows us to remain undisturbed, even when situations are really difficult. Like Quan Yin, she will teach us how to respond, and not react. For this reason, call on her presence when dealing with a difficult person, or a harsh situation.
She is often referred to as a virgin, and at the same time, she is famous for being a mother. As I mentioned in a previous post on the topic of virgin Goddesses, in our modern world, we do not differentiate virginity as an important factor when describing people. My hunch is that if we do some research on the topic, we will be able to trace the obsession with virginity back to a religious group or sect governed by men and to the myth of virgin births. In my opinion, man tried to make the act of having sex dirty instead of embracing it as the natural phenomenon that creates a child in our 3-D reality. So virginity is a label they used to describe purity.
In Mexico, Mother Mary is called Our Lady of the Guadalupe, or the Lady of the Rose. The story goes back to 1531 when she appeared to a poor indigenous man named Juan Diego on Tepeyac Hill near what is now Mexico City. This hill was the same site where the Aztec goddess Tonantzin was worshiped, it already held a spiritual significance to the Goddess vibration, so it makes perfect sense as to why she told the missionary, Juan Diego, to build a house of worship there. When Juan was asked by the bishop to prove that he had received a divine message from Mother Mary, she filled his apron with Castilian Roses from the location where he saw her apparition. It was said they didn’t grow in Mexico at the time, so this was a miracle. Considering Spain started conquering the area of Mexico around 1519, it doesn’t seem unfathomable that a Spaniard might have planted it at an earlier time as an offering to Tonantzin, but I love how miraculous it appears to be in that special moment for Juan Diego, and perhaps the Goddess Mary had a hand in planting the blooming bush there, after all.
Roses hold the highest vibration of all flowers with the ability to leave a lasting impression in our psyche for being a pleasure to our physical senses. One cannot forget the velvety textured petals along with the rich, fruity, and citrus scents of an old-world rose such as a bourbon or a damask (Castilian) rose.
6 Things You Can Do to Connect to Mary's Energy:
Meditate on your heart region, envision your heart opening as the bud of a rose spreading love in all directions. Visualize a golden, glowing orb of energy emanating from your heart, this energy is capable of healing and rejuvenating the cells of your body. Sit in this energy for as long as it feels appropriate and remember to thank her for the healing that has occurred.
Honor Mary on Dec 12 the feast day of the Lady of the Guadalupe, is celebrated on the day of Juan Diego’s first vision in Mexico City.
Visit a sacred site with shrines built in her honor, and leave her an offering in gratitude.
Plant a rose bush at home, and if you like sweet scents, old-world roses are much more fragrant than modern roses.
If you are called to go a step further in working with her divine healing energy, create a shrine in your home and cover it with roses.
Say this affirmation with conviction; “I release the need to judge myself and others” and remember to be patient with yourself. We are all a piece of work in progress.
The author and poet, Maya Angelou once said these wise words: "Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” For me, this sums up the beautiful energy of Madre Mary.
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