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Toltec Prayer: Tlazocamati Hue Yokoyani, Ipalnemoani (Thank you Grand Creator, Giver of Life)

Toltec Blessing Prayer
The Toltec culture was a pre-Columbian Mesoamerican culture that ruled a state centered in Tula, Hidalgo, Mexico, during the Epiclassic and the early Post-Classic period of Mesoamerican chronology

Toltec Prayer, Blessing

Thank you for this day to live here on this earth among your beautiful creations.

Thank you for another day to get it right.

Thank you to all my Relatives - the earth, the fire, the water, and the wind which give us form; and to the animal and plant relatives that bless us with beautiful friendship, medicines, and nourishment.

Thank you to all the Ancestor spirits with me on this earth walk, guiding me in ways that I sometimes may not see or understand. I acknowledge you, my ancestors, for your sacrifice to preserve these beautiful ways and traditions.

Grand Creator, Ancestors, Allies... I ask you to stay close to me throughout my days and nights. Help me to stay focused on my purpose and go about my words and creations in a good way. I ask that you guide and protect my family so they may walk in a good way, in a way that is true to their heart and uniqueness.

Grand Creator, help me to be impeccable with my words & actions, to not take things personal, to not assume, and to do my very best.

I ask that you even bless my enemies. Nurture them into a better way of life, make their hearts tender and their minds open. Humble them so they may be mindful of the consequences of their actions.

Grand Creator, Ancestors... I petition you to help keep me aware of any energies or spirits contrary to the health and well-being of me & my family and for the purpose for which you have sent me/us here for.

Please dissipate those subjects and spirits that seek to operate in deception, shed light on them so they may be exposed, and justice be processed accordingly.

Grand Creator please help me to see my reflection in all your creations.

Help me to remove the smoke in front of my mirror so that I may see my true reflection— So that I may see myself in all peoples of the medicine wheel, in all the sacred animals, and all the sacred waters, deserts, valleys, and mountains.

Creator, help me to respect, understand, and walk in the manners and ways of my ancestors. To walk the walk and not just talk the talk.

Help me to be strong in the Sun with a firm fist.

Thank you, Grand Creator!

Source: Miguel Quimichipilli Bravo, Sixth Sun Ridaz

The Toltec culture was a pre-Columbian Mesoamerican culture that ruled a state centered in Tula, Hidalgo, Mexico, during the Epiclassic and the early Post-Classic period of Mesoamerican chronology, reaching prominence from 950 to 1150 CE.

Further Reading: The Four Agreements, Toltec Wisdom - Don Miguel Ruiz


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